are so pleased to continue our long standing tradition of HCM screening
our Siberians. Today 3 of our cats went in and were all screened
clear by cardiac specialist Dr. C Paige.
CFA Ch Kender's Smooth Criminal aka Michael - https://pawpeds.com/db/… over 5 generations of HCM scanned clear pedigrees in Kender bred cats.
CFA Ch Kender's Ello Poppet aka Poppet -
https://pawpeds.com/db/?a=p&id=1380163&g=4&p=sib&o=ajgrep again - 5 generations of Kender bred HCM scanned clear pedigrees on moms side.
CFA Ch Kender's Smooth Criminal aka Michael - https://pawpeds.com/db/… over 5 generations of HCM scanned clear pedigrees in Kender bred cats.
CFA Ch Kender's Ello Poppet aka Poppet -
https://pawpeds.com/db/?a=p&id=1380163&g=4&p=sib&o=ajgrep again - 5 generations of Kender bred HCM scanned clear pedigrees on moms side.
and pleased to introduce CFA Ch Siberian Grace Adamant
https://pawpeds.com/db/?a=p&id=1408436&g=4&p=sib&o=ajgrep new CFA champion , genetically cleared DNA of all testable concerns and now HCM scanned clear, Big thank you to Victoria Smirnova for sending this boy over.
https://pawpeds.com/db/?a=p&id=1408436&g=4&p=sib&o=ajgrep new CFA champion , genetically cleared DNA of all testable concerns and now HCM scanned clear, Big thank you to Victoria Smirnova for sending this boy over.