Wednesday, May 26, 2010

There are Breeders - Then there are "breeders"

Okay, as this is a blog pertaining to the Siberian cat - and most specifically my Siberian cats - I felt compelled to ask - What Makes a Breeder?

Is it the long nights spent up with a sick little one, only to watch them die? Is it the money put out for those veterinary costs? or the money spent on general supplies, litter, food, toys, scratching posts? or the money spent at a single cat show? or the money spent on showing many cats over many years including but certainly not limited to the travel costs, food, car expenses beyond just gas, entry fees, the care of having someone come into the home while you are gone, lodging, advertising, reaffle tickets "to support" the show/club/region - ? The tears when you place a baby in a happy forever home? The tears when one is born without life or breath? The tears when an aging animal must be helped across the rainbow bridge? Or when one finds their own way to the rainbow bridge?

So is a breeder someone who puts two animals together and gets a litter of babies, then sells them off without benefit of a health check, or making sure that animal is spayed/neutered, properly vaccinated and correctly socialized? And just what is correct socialization? Lets face it - most people believe if the cat doesn't live under the bed then it is just fine.

And what about those breeders who put those two animals together in full knowledge that if not the individual animal has - but the lines have a fatal disease such as PKD or HCM. But since their animal doesn't have it - or at least exhibit signs of it - it must be okay. Are they breeders?

And those breeders that withhold registration papers/pedigree information on the animal.

And truly - what is the honest purpose behind a breeder. To produce "lovely" kittens. Wow , I mean don't we all think our animals are lovely? Or some even are blunt enough , and honest enough - to say it is for the money. That they are breeding animals to produce kittens to sell to the public - because they can. Or what about those who truly care for the breed and want to see it preserved as it is, without changes made by man. But then isn't taking two animals and putting them together in effect man making/changing them?

Isn't it said in the Bible - Genesis 1 ".....and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth."

It will be and always should be an individual's choice on what they do, including the breeding of animals. How you conduct yourself and care for your charges speak volumes.
Something to think on.

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